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Pharmacists' involvement in diabetic care: review of randomized controlled trials

S.N. Rahmathullah


Objectives &Introduction:

Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is an emerging chronic disease with global implications. This article is a review of 35 RCTs to identify the potential benefits of pharmacists’ involvement in diabetic care in reducing the risk of diabetic complications and/or disease progression.


35 Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) were cherry-picked from 3210 publications listed on PubMed, using the following search keywords: diabetes, pharmacist, interventions and complications. Results of selected studies were analysed and interpreted.


Pharmacist-led program in diabetic patients significantly improved multiple outcomes such as patient’s quality of life, cost effectiveness in health care, medication adherence and clinical outcomes such as glycemic control, lipid profiles and blood pressure. Studies from different countries revealed similar results, confirming the universal value of pharmacists' involvement in diabetic care.


This review lays emphasis on the critical role of pharmacists in diabetic patient care. Pharmacists improve medication adherence, quality of life, health care cost-effectiveness in diabetic patients. These findings support the inevitable role of pharmacists in the collaborative diabetic care.


health; diabetes; pharmacist intervention; complications


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